My Opinion About Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro

Hello again in this new post about my opinion about Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro.
First, i don't have this phone now but i see a lot of reviews of  Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro so i think i am ready to do this opinion so let's begin with design in short this phone has a wonderful design it has a beautiful screen without edges and the most thing i liked is the shape of the camera which is similar to iphone x.
As for the phone specifications, it comes with a unique and powerful Equipment, which makes it the best Medium phone of 2018 for me.
As for the camera it has a creative front camera and give results above the excellent and for the rear camera is very great in the morning light and good in the night, the bottom line is that the exclusive cameras will give you very wonderful pictures.
Finally, this phone is one of the best phones of 2018 and this is due to the price that does not exceed 300$ and its specifications and the mighty camera distinctive.

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