My Opinion About Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider

Hello my frieds, i wish every one doing good so let's begin my opinion about Tomb Raider ... Tomb Raider is Warner Bros movie so this movie must be great. when i start watch the movie i was so so exited about it because i love the character of Lara Croft, at first the movie was like a horror film because of mystery after that the story became liberal and clear and so on the first part of the film ended.
In the middle of the movie the story became interesting and what I liked most was the visual effects without which the movie would have been bad.
Everything was wonderful in the movie until the end reached, which was disastrous because it was expected and there are no surprises.
Finally, i give this movie 8/10 maybe the movie does not deserve this evaluation but it gave us a story we were waiting for impatiently.
I hope you like this simple opinion about Tomb Raider and meet in a new opinion about.

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